Today is Wednesday, 04 July 2007 and in few hours I’ll be saying goodbye to Maulbronn, and I can’t help feeling sad because I’m going to miss so many nice people. I really enjoyed my stay and tours in the cities. The long awaited “Afrika Night” was held last Saturday night. Slide pictures of Sierra Leone in 1994 were shown first, when FAF Germany and FAF Sierra Leone met in Freetown and stayed for two weeks at a nearby village Robathlol, with less than ten houses, where we had our FAF plantation. This was followed by formalities in which I was honoured with an Honorary Membership Certificate to FAF Maulbronn, and presentation of gifts from FAF Gambia to FAF Maulbronn. A small group of “bad boys” sang Happy Birthday for Crazy few minutes after 1st of July. Sunday, 2nd July, found me first in the Maulbronn Monastery Church with the Langohrs, and then there was a small tour of many interesting places within the monastery. Roland, his sister and their two nephews came for me just as I was enjoying one of Mam’s good old stories about the other side of Germany and Germans. We left for yet another festival in the city of Bretten. I had a wonderful time also at his house and met his parents as well. The next day Rolf and I went to Karlsruhe by train, saw more city centres, a famous castle, train station and went some shopping. Tuesday found us in Heilbronn where Roland works with handicap people. He took us to the various sections to see these people at work and then we went to the city centre, and one massive building with a cinema, library and shopping centre all in one piece. After coffee at roland’s we left for a nearby cast of rolf’s uncle, and had to rush back for the Tuesday football. The game was very tough this time around.
Anhang | Größe |
crazy with a hiphop fan (Karsten) | 119.19 KB |
crazy at breten festival | 163.1 KB |
crazy is honoured in maulbronn | 85.82 KB |
crazy with Uwei's parents | 121.04 KB |